Project Tabletop – Explore New Realities
A Rules System Powering an Entire Universe
With a standardized template for attributes, skills, weapon damage, and armor values all based around the physics of the actions taken by characters we have created a common reference system upon which we build our games. As we develop our own games, we are working to make the rule set available for tabletop play ranging from grand strategy spread across multiple tables down to a skirmish style RPG played around a single kitchen table. The same rules that apply to historical regiments of miniatures also extend to massive sci-fi hordes and quests tailored to your mighty band of adventurers.
Attributes are broken down into Physical, Mental, and Endurance categories each with an Active and Passive sub-category to give us the six basic values we use to calculate skill checks. By assigning an active and a passive stat to three categories of actions we are designing a physics based system that can accommodate nearly any potential skill check. Weapons, Armor, and Vehicles all have stat tables that are derived from the combination of these attributes and affect the outcome of combat and skill checks. Our system also allows for offensive and defensive rolls to allow players and NPCs to describe actions rather than a single roll against a static value. This roll and counter roll system allows for more engaging and dynamic storytelling as players don’t just sit back and hope for the best when the DM rolls; you get a vote in how the round plays out with your own dice.
Physical Attributes
- Strength (Active)
- Fortitude (Passive)
Mental Abilities
- Acuity (Active)
- Willpower (Passive)
Endurance Abilities
- Agility (Active)
- Stamina (Passive)

Mon-Fri: 8.00am – 5pm PST